what a nice way to recycle NG rumbles hank srpites! also new ones obviously pretty good game in tribute to madness :D
what a nice way to recycle NG rumbles hank srpites! also new ones obviously pretty good game in tribute to madness :D
another james kewl
Toooooom u didnt let dim finish his comentary of BR! lol
good game btw whats next james the painting zebra? =)'''
1219 mts! i could of done better -.-
I really liked the game is quite adictive but its kinda hard to see when links goes to high in the skies so i just cliked in the hope of survival and i realize the lvls dont get dificulty up, its the same as lvl one
but the game is really good if u fix stuff like back ground graphics and maybe even more dedication time it could become a hit
=D wohoo hookshot
The difficulty does go up actually, by lvl 3 you notice it. And more time lol, I made it in 3 hours! hehehe, and the background is like that because a background would overlap the chain becase the chain is drawn in actionscript, so I guess I could look into fixing that... but it would be like impossible.
Thanks for the review!
fun but hard
Man this game is hard! when i think i got him right the screen starts turning around!
Very good but lagging
i found this very useful i can use it to help me on flash i allready learned stuff i didnt knew { )
But this made my computer to lag horribly so it made me kinda sad
Ur tipical French/Colombian International guy...wait
Age 35, Male
Tarbes, France
Joined on 9/8/06